Our Work >> Climate Adaptation & Resilience >> Planning>> Regional Climate Adaptation Collaborative
Regional Climate Adaptation Collaborative
Don’t adapt to a changing climate in isolation—collaborate! Explore this project to understand how a group of eight municipalities in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region worked with us for two years to elevate their climate preparedness, exploring common vulnerabilities and taking a coordinated approach to cost-effectively strengthen their resilience
Regional Collaboration
We developed a Framework for ongoing regional collaboration on climate adaptation and resilience in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region. The Framework builds upon the experience of the Climate Resilience Exchange project and existing regional climate collaboratives and outlines key elements of a framework to build a case for ongoing coordination.
Invasive species management in a changing climate
A guide to help Edmonton-area municipalities address the expected rise in invasive species and pests over the coming decades. How can communities work individually and collaboratively to reduce these effects?
Invasive species and pests in the EMR have many ecological, social, and economic impacts which affect the region’s vulnerability. Climate change will increase our vulnerability.
urban Forest Management in a changing Climate
How vulnerable are the Edmonton region’s urban forests to climate change? This is a detailed guide to help municipalities address these vulnerabilities as the ecosystem shifts towards grassland. How will pests, invasive species, extreme weather and fire stress urban forests? This study looks at protecting our trees as well as planning for the future.
Climate Resilient Home
We created a virtual climate resilient home at climateresilienthome.ca. This virtual home can help you plan your new home or retrofit, by providing features that can protect against flooding, wildfire, extreme weather and increasing temperatures. The website also estimates the effort and expense in installing these resilient features, making it useful to green developers and home owners.
Water Security
Striking the right balance between future water supply and demand will be critical. These studies found that river flows will change, with levels peaking a month earlier than they do now. Water treatment facilities may be challenged by periods of low flow and by periods of intense precipitation.
Climate Change and Water Security: Summarize existing research and knowledge about the impacts of climate change on water security in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region, including historical and projected surface water supply, quality and demand.
Best Practices for Managing Water Resources: Identify best practice approaches for managing climate change risks to water security in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region.