Energy poverty is a cross-cutting policy issue, with implications for general poverty alleviation, health and social well-being, housing and climate change strategies.
Energy Efficiency in the Affordable Housing Sector
Energy Cafe
We saw 1000 people in our pop-up Energy Cafes in Edmonton, giving home energy advice to people struggling to pay their utility bills.
Our Agenda
Understanding energy poverty and approaches to solving the issue in Alberta.
Our Strategy
We gathered partners to plan a practical strategy to solve energy poverty in Alberta.
Energy-Efficiency Tip Sheets for Apartments and Homes
People who attended the Energy Cafes found our home energy saving tip sheets extremely useful.
A Just and Equitable Transition
The City of Edmonton asked us to take a social justice lens to support a just and equitable transition to a low-carbon future in Edmonton.
Link to City of Edmonton’s policy brief on A Just and Equitable Transition here.
Energy Angels
We partnered with the City of Calgary Seniors Services Program between 2014-2015 to help weatherize the homes of low-income seniors. We provided funding to purchase water-efficient faucets and showerheads, weather stripping, window vinyl, CFL light bulbs, and City staff installed these measures in senior’s homes. Each senior was able to save, on average, $260 per year on utility costs.
Affordable Housing Energy Efficiency Demonstration Project
In 2014, we worked with The City of Calgary and the Calgary Housing Corporation to establish the business case for adding deep energy saving upgrades to renewal of one of its affordable housing properties in Calgary.